Gareth J. Greenaway
Gareth is an open source enthusiast who has been using free & open source software for over 10 years. As one of the founding members of the Southern California Linux Expo, the idea for FOSS Dev Camp came about as a way to bring members of the community together to improve free & open source software.
Gareth currently lives in Southern California with his finance and a multitude of pets and computer hardware.
Joe Smith
Joe is a student at Chapman University in Orange, California, where he studies Computer Science. He is the president of the school’s ACM chapter, a member of the Ubuntu California team, a Mozilla Campus Rep Regional Leader, and is on the Community Relations committee for the Southern California Linux Expo. He listens to heavy metal, is an avid trail runner, and a devout Los Angeles Angels (of Anaheim!) fanatic.
Ron Golan
Stuart Sheldon
Orv Beach